Yorktown Summer Reading Game Returns

Hart Library

The summer reading game for adults, teens and children has returned to the John C. Hart Memorial Library.

The reading game challenges residents to read books in exchange for raffle tickets. At the end of the summer the library will hold a party and raffle prizes to the game’s participants.

“Our summer reading game provides incentives and prizes from local businesses to encourage adults, teens and children to read throughout the summer,” said library director Yvonne Cech, noting that the reading game is not just about prizes. “Public libraries help carry the ball throughout the summer to ensure that when children and teens return to school in the fall, they have not lost any of their reading skill level. At the John C. Hart Memorial Library we include adults to make it a reading game for the entire family.”

The adult and teen summer reading games run from July 6 to August 13. Participants must register by creating an account at https://www.yorktownlibrary.org/summer2021. Residents without computer or internet access should pick up a paper reading log at the reference desk and return the log to the library by August 6 to be included in the raffle.

The children’s reading game runs from June 26 to August 7. Participants or their parents must keep track of the number of hours read or read to on the reading log provided by the library. Prizes are awarded for any child who has read or has been read to for two hours or more. To retrieve prizes earned, visit the Children’s Room with a reading log (signed by a parent or caregiver) during open library hours. When reading logs are completed, with 12 hours read or read to, children can choose a grand prize of an ice cream or pizza coupon donated by local businesses.