Yorktown Issues Additional Emergency Orders

03/15/2020 - Yorktown Supervisor Matt Slater issued additional emergency orders Sunday 03/15/20 to curtail the spread of the COVID-19 virus in the community.

The orders are:

  1. Access to all town-owned buildings (other than the Yorktown Police Department Headquarters and the Yorktown Justice Court) is restricted to town employees only.
  2. No more than two individuals at a time may occupy the lobby of the Yorktown Police Department Headquarters. No more than one party at a time may occupy the lobby of the Yorktown Justice Court.
  3. The town’s Building Maintenance Director shall forthwith purchase and install a secure drop box outside of Town Hall for the public to use. The drop box shall be emptied once every business day at 9 a.m. At the town’s discretion, documents received by the town via the drop box by 9 a.m. may be deemed received by the town on the previous business day.
  4. Town employees that have been identified by town department heads and approved by the supervisor may work remotely.
  5. All child care facilities in town shall establish staggered pickup and drop-off times in a fashion designed to reduce crowding in entrances and hallways by at least 50%.

The full text of the orders will be placed on the town’s website. The orders are issued in accordance with the declaration of a local emergency made on Friday 03/13/20.

The declaration of a local state of emergency gives the town supervisor the authority to issue emergency orders that could include curfews, regulating movement into and out of certain areas and ordering public places closed, among other powers.

“Most of these orders are designed to ensure uninterrupted government services for the public, while at the same time protecting the health of civil servants and their families,” said Yorktown Supervisor Slater. “With the possibility of prolonged school closures, we also want to ensure that child care providers are taking responsible steps to protect their clients.”

Contact: Yorktown Supervisor Matt Slater, 914-962-5722 x201 or mslater@yorktownny.org