Yorktown Officials To Be Sworn In At Town Hall Inauguration On New Year’s Day

Re-elected Town of Yorktown Supervisor Michael Grace, along with four others chosen by voters last November – incumbent Councilmen Terrence Murphy and Vishnu Patel, incumbent Town Justice Salvatore Lagonia, and Highway Superintendent-elect David Paganelli -- will be sworn in on New Year’s Day, Jan. 1, 2014, as part of the traditional inauguration ceremony at Town Hall, scheduled to commence at 12:30 p.m. in the Board Room.

Administered by Town Justice Gary Raniolo, the oath of office will be taken by the aforementioned five persons, who will immediately assume their elected positions.

Pledge of Allegiance will be led by Gerry Knapp of the American Legion. Invocation will be delivered by Rev. Msgr. Thomas Sandi of St. Patrick’s Parish. Bag Pipes will be played by Scott McGuyver, who will lead a procession along Route 118 to Town Hall from Murphy’s Restaurant.

Master of Ceremonies will be Bruce Apar, who serves as moderator for Supervisor Grace’s community affairs TV program Grace Notes, broadcast on Yorktown Government TV, which also will televise the inauguration live (Cablevision 20; Fios 33).